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Electric Power Distribution System | Types | HappyEnterprise

Electric Power Distribution System | Types | HappyEnterprise

Power distribution refers to the way in which electrical power is transmitted and distributed to consumers, such as homes and businesses. The power distribution system includes transmission lines, substations, and distribution lines, which transport electricity from the point of generation to the point of use.

Power distribution systems can be divided into high-voltage transmission systems, which operate at high voltages (typically above 100 kV) and are used to transmit electricity over long distances, and low-voltage distribution systems, which operate at lower voltages (typically below 35 kV) and are used to distribute electricity to end users.

There are two type of power distribution system

1)  Ovehead Distribution System which use poles and wires to transmit electricity.

Overhead Distribution System

2)  Underground Distribution System which use underground cable to transmit electricity.

Underground Distribution System


ParametersOverheadUndergroundSystem CostLowHighSafetyLess SafeMore SafePossibility Of ExpansionEasyDifficultSize Of The Conductor For The Same CapacitySmallLargeFault DetectionEasyDifficultSuitability For Long DistanceYesNoAppearanceNon-AestheticAesthetic

Comparison of undergroung And Overhead Dis. System

➤ An overhead cable system has several advantages and disadvantages.

                     Advantages                 DisadvantgesReduce Right-of-way and Property EcquisitionAesthetically UnappealingReduce Maintenance CostsSusceptible To DamageQuicker And Easier To InstallSafety ConcernsHigh CapacityInterference With Aircraft

➤ Underground Cable System Also Has Some Advantages And Disadvantages.

                     Advantages                 DisadvantgesAesthetically PleasingHigher Maintenance And Installation CostsReduce Risk Of DamageLonger Installation TimeImprove SafetyLimited CapacityReduce Interference With AircraftRight-of-Way And Property Acquisition